Government types consist of three words, specifying their handling of knowledge, stratification and structure of power. Example: Equal Scientific Democracy
Society maintains equality and equity, through empowerment of vulnerable classes. Lists of vulnerable classes are maintained by the government, and they are given various benefits, while dominating classes are given handicaps. All discrimination is forbidden, and those discriminating face severe punishment.
Society does not make any effort to protect the vulnerable classes, and all people are treated not considering their characteristics.
Culture is dominated by the clergy, chosen and governed by their holy texts. Clergy maintains the holy texts, which contain information on every aspect of society, updates them and resolve the differences between sects in theological debates.
Culture trusts the science, which is defined by the Chief Academician. Chief holds the archive of Papers, and distributes copies of them as needed by the society. To avoid corruption of science, all unlicensed reproduction and/or modification of papers is banned and persecuted by Science Corps.
Society is ruled by people, through their chosen representatives. Representatives can submit the laws to be approved by President. People can choose their representatives from list of candidated approved by the government, and if they are not satisfied with their representative, they can choose not to elect them in next 50-60 years election cycle.
All aspects of society are controlled by a tyrant, who delegates some governing to underlying tyrant, down to the scale of a village tyrant. Tyrant is chosen through a variety of local customs. If citizens are not satisfied with a tyrant, tyrant can step down or be killed.