Page: [root]/code/rustorion/lore/stories/space-shattered | src | faq | css

Space shattered.

It was not really perceptible, just small cracks appearing in middle of the warp breach, then widening to dissolve the remaining shroud. Then only a cutoff piece of Nagaraz was telling that something ain't right.

However, it was easy to notice to machines. Sensors correlated data and detected the discrepancy. Alerts lit up the control decks and woke up the crews. Fleet jumped into action, AIs already guiding the ships while humans scuttled around inside.

Mass accelerators fired blindly into the breach. Big guns stayed inactive for now, only cheap ones fired, while targetting systems watched breach site for feedback.

First ships through the breach were the shield-carriers. Massive, crudely forged shields, covered by sensor networks. Now the big guns had no choice but to fire, lest the shields move up to them. Shields were steadily torn apart, then shield carriers scuttled their remains along with additional drives, and sped away to harass the enemy from the flanks. Meanwhile, actual damage dealers got time to move through the breach and spread out. Now, with breach healed, actual combat could begin. Flagships have already started to pre-calculate emergency retreat breaches, but it will be a long time and a lot of destruction before any combatant leaves the system.

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