h1. Small numbers and their symbolic meanings in fortune-telling If the number is greater than 9, sum its digits until it's equal or less. toc. h2. 1 - Alone 1 means self-dependance and something that has to be experienced without ouside help. h2. 2 - Pair 2 means two entities working together, positive traits multiplied, negative ones negated, trusted. Or two rivals, locked in a fight. h2. 3 - Magic 3 is a number of magic, meaning two forces in balance and third one offsetting it. Means an experience, outcome and flow of which can be greatly altered by application of will. h2. 4 - Protection 4 means protection, safe but not really useful experience. h2. 5 - Success 5 means experience will ultimately result in one's success, with no additional resources required. Optimal resolution is not guaranteed though. h2. 6 - Fire 6 means dangerous, probably damaging experience, which yields potentially great results if handled properly. h2. 7 - Everything The experience is large, branching and rewarding, and lot of different outcomes are possible. h2. 8 - Too Much Too much resources will be used, and the excess is not affecting the outcome positively. h2. 9 - Not Enough Not enough resources were made available, and outcome is adversely affected by it.