h1. Internal Politics * Information policy ** Freedom of the press: improves trust, impedes PR spins, covert vulnerability ** Scientific information: improves scientific HR, covert vulnerability * Interest groups ** Warlike cultures like to increase military spending ** Science groups like to see certain technologies developed ** Economic ones promote less taxes and tariffs ** Religious seek their specific agenda ** Civic movements to change a certain social policy * Classes of citizens ** Certain groops can be elevated or repressed by their characteristics like genetics, economical status, culture. * Taxation ** Set levels of different kinds of taxes: income, sales, VAT ** Non-compliance * Repressive apparatus ** Police budget per planet ** Armies and fleets for suppression, specialized more effective ** Penal colonies ** Locally funded law enforcement can refuse to enforce laws locals don't like * Human rights ** Desireable restrictions of government power ** Limited law enforcement ** Welfare * Migration ** Emigration restrictions ** Internal migration restrictions ** Classes of planets * Territorial policy ** Different economic zones ** DMZ ** Special restricted areas (science, military)